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Nupress Community Picket

  • Nupress Tools 11 Nelson Road Cardiff, NSW, 2285 Australia (map)

On December 4 at 6am we will hold a community picket at Nupress, located at 11 Nelson Road, Cardiff.

Nupress supply five critical parts, and ground equipment, for the F-35 war plane. Israel has one of the largest fleets of F-35s in the world. Nupress parts go into a global pool that Israel gets priority access to. Israel has used F-35s in countless massacres of Palestinians, and in Lebanon and Yemen. The organisation, Workers in Palestine, has named Nupress as a company complicit in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.

Community pickets are a collective form of direct action. They are powerful because of the community that shows up and the clarity of the cause. Supplying components to machines that are used to cause mass casualties and death is something that must be opposed, on both moral and legal grounds.

Community members will take up space around the Nupress factory using their physical presence and symbolism (e.g. placards, chants, props) to send the message that making parts for machines that cause mass scale murder is not morally or legally acceptable. The picket is inclusive of families with young children and people with a disability. Please note there is a grass verge/ nature strip out the front but the site is on a slope and there is no paved footpath.

We use democratic processes to decide the best ways to disrupt production at Nupress. We encourage people to be informed, ready to discuss tactics and be involved in decision making.

There are different roles including worker liaison, media liaison, police liaison, safety officer, etc. A convenor will guide decision making processes for example how long to hold the picket. Affinity groups can act independently whilst ensuring respect for other tactics and groups. (Affinity groups are small groups who keep connected and look out for one another. If you don’t come in one, you can join one on the day).

The important thing is holding firm to the goal of sending a clear message about the moral and legal obligations of Nupress, as we take action in solidarity with Palestinian struggles and in response to the call to end military supply to the genocide.

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