Image description: Text says, "Conversations for Palestine".Image: Olive leaves and branches. Bird holding the key of return in its beak. Keffiyah design in the background..

Conversations for Palestine - a platform for thoughtful dialogue and action

Join us for a series of immersive events of learning, culture and connection - a space to share knowledge and understanding with a focus on Palestine. Each event will feature renowned speakers and, in recognition of the power of resistance through art, music and culture, each forum will incorporate a creative element.

Upcoming event:

Palestine Imprisoned

Incarceration, discrimination and torture in Israeli prisons

Thursday 19 September 6pm - 8pm

The Creator Incubator, 15a/50 Clyde Street, Hamilton North

Join us for a powerful evening of conversations, audio visuals, and performances focused on Palestinian political prisoners detained by Israel.

Speakers and performers:

  • Damien Linnane - editor of Paper Chained magazine.  Damien will share insights from his interview with Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and Mohammad, a former prisoner and artist living in the West Bank.  These interviews will be featured in the September edition of Paper Chained, available for purchase on the night.

  • Sara Saleh -  human rights lawyer, author & performer

  • Byron Williams (Toe-Fu from The Herd) - guitarist & singer

Registration essential: Waged: $20 Unwaged: $10  
Any enquiries please email

Any funds raised will go to cover the costs of the event.  Any additional funds will be donated to Addameer, Palestinian Prisoner and Human Rights Association.

The Last Sky screening

On Thursday 6 June many were privileged to attend the Muloobinba screening of The Last Sky. The documentary from Nicholas Hanna and Rihab Charida was a powerful telling of why the continued armed resistance to the unlawful occupation of Palestinian ancestral lands is supported by so many Palestinians. Filmed in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, the documentary followed the personal stories of many who have been displaced for generations, but still yearn to return to their homes and lands.

Nicholas was joined onstage for a Q&A after the screening with Ahmed Abadla for a meaningful discussion around the Palestinian peoples right to self determination and the ongoing unjust treatment of the Palestinian people since 1948. Both Nicholas’s stories of visiting refugee camps in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine and how that informed the narrative of the documentary, and Ahmed’s telling of why continued resistance is a moral imperative for the Palestinian people was an opportunity to reflect on why we all must continue in our daily efforts of resistance and solidarity.

We hope that the film will find a wider audience and distribution in the coming months so that more people have the chance to see this thoughtful documentary to truly understand the Palestinian need for ongoing resistance to occupation.

A gallery of photo’s from our event held on Thursday 6 June.

Photo credits: Seshanka Samarajiwa

Conversations for Palestine - a platform for thoughtful dialogue and action

Join us for a series of immersive events of learning, culture and connection - a space to share knowledge and understanding with a focus on Palestine. Each event will feature renowned speakers and, in recognition of the power of resistance through art, music and culture, each forum will incorporate a creative element.

Over 170 people joined us for our first event on Thursday 14 March: A Conversation with Rawan Arraf: Australia’s Obligations Under International Law also featuring Aunty Tracey Hanshaw, Rita Jabri Markwell, Sarah Williams and MC Ahmed Abdala. We also had a beautiful live oud performance by Khalaf Mustafa and a spoken word performance by Bernadette Kirwan.

Upcoming events will explore a range of themes, including the experiences of people with disability and investigating the technological dimensions of occupation, with a particular focus on the influence of AI, drones and surveillance.

A gallery of photo’s from our first event held on Thursday 14 March.

Photo credits: Lee Illfield

Image description: Text says, "Conversations for Palestine. Australia's Obligations Under International Law: A conversation with Rawan Arraf, Executive Director and Principal Lawyer, Australian Centre for International Justice. March 14, 5.30pm