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Conversations for Palestine: Palestine Imprisoned

  • The Curator Incubator 15a/50 Clyde Street Hamilton North, NSW, 2292 Australia (map)

Join us for a powerful evening of conversations, audio visuals, and performances focused on Palestinian political prisoners detained by Israel.

Speakers and performers:

  • Damien Linnane - editor of Paper Chained magazine.  Damien will share insights from his interview with Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and Mohammad, a former prisoner and artist living in the West Bank.  These interviews will be featured in the September edition of Paper Chained, available for purchase on the night.

  • Sara Saleh -  human rights lawyer, author & performer

  • Byron Williams (Toe-Fu from The Herd) - guitarist & singer

Registration essential:
Waged: $20
Unwaged: $10

Alcohol-free event.

Once event costs are covered, all funds from ticket sales and donations will be donated to Addameer, Palestinian Prisoner and Human Rights Association.

Conversations for Palestine aims to both educate and sound a strong call to action.

Presented by The Hunter Round Table, a collective of individuals committed to human rights in Palestine.

For more information email: 

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