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Weekly demonstration at Belmont office of Pat Conroy MP, federal Defence Industry Minister

  • 571 Pacific Highway Belmont, NSW, 2280 Australia (map)

We continue to hold weekly demonstrations every Monday at 4:30pm outside the Belmont office of Pat Conroy MP, federal Minister for Defence Industry. Join us!


  • Stop arming Israel - a full embargo across all trade imports and exports

  • Sanction Israel to support all orders by the International Court of Justice, including those made under the UN Genocide Convention

  • Recognise Palestinian sovereignty

As Israel’s war crimes continue, our politicians offer only empty words (if that) and refuse to take any action to halt Israel’s genocide.

We must keep the genocide in the public mind, and apply as much sustained public pressure as possible on the Australian Government to cease their complicity in the genocide in Gaza, cut all military ties with Israel, and put in place sanctions.

Because Conroy is obviously indifferent to the deaths and suffering of Palestinians, we must inform his constituents of the Labor government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide, and try to pressure Conroy through something he does care about - losing votes and losing his job!

Location: 571 Pacific Highway, Belmont

Bring simple large-text signs, kufiyas, flags, and friends!

Organised by No Weapons for Genocide

5 January

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19 January

PAGNM Fortnightly Rally - Sunday 19 Jan 2025